
Helping build diabetes-free healthy communities

Engaging in Indigenous Ceremonial Practices with Diabetes
Foot Care

Diabetes Foot Care Clinic Pathway Saving Limbs and Lives – Diabetes, Obesity & Nutrition SCN
The Pathway Toolkit
Taking Care of Your Feet with Diabetes – Awareness Video

3-Minute Foot Exam – Podiatry Today/NADA
Footcare Diabetes Care Sheet – NADA (English)
Footcare Diatbetes Care Sheet – NADA (Ojibwe)
60 Second Diabetic Foot Screen Tool – Diabetes Canada (English)

WebMD Diabetes Foot Care:

Top 10 Home Remedies How to get relief from Heel Pain Naturally:

Diabetes Self Management Foot Care Quiz:

Foot Health Facts The Do’s & Dont’s for Diabetes Foot Care:

Podiatry: A “Feet”ing Trend:

Clinic HQ Ankle & Foot – Myofascial Pain Syndrome (muscle pain):

American Diabetes Association Foot Care Tips:

Diabetes Self Management Caring for your feet when you have diabetes:

WebMD Spa Safety for People with Diabetes:

Health Central What do your feet say about your health:

Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses:

CAFCN Upcoming Events Page:

Pedicare Foot Care Instruments:

David K McCulloch, MD Patient education: Foot care in diabetes mellitus (Beyond the Basics):

Indigenous Foods and Nutrition Food Sovereignty/Food Security

Indigenous Foods

Red Lake Nation Foods
15550 Chippewa Ave. Redby, MN 56670
Ph: 888-225-2108 Email:


Food and Nutrition

ADI Success Stories – Ontario Compilation
Beaverhouse First Nation Photo Essay
Chippewas of Nawash Food Security Photo Essay
Chippewas of Rama ADI Food Security Photo Essay
Community Garden Handbook
Keto for Beginners
Food Security Temagami First Nation
Fort Albany Food Market
Garden River Food Security Photo Essay
Harvesting in Eagle Lake
Namaygoosisgagun First Nation
MAHN Program
Mnaamodzawin Food Security Photo Essay
Mohawk of the Bay Qunite Photo Essay
Sandy Lake: A Poeple’s Tradition: Learning to Grow
Shawanaga First Nation Healing Centre’s Food Security Program
Thessalon Food Security
Wahgoshig First Nation Community Garden Photo Journal
Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide First Nations, Inuit and Metis – Health Canada (English) Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide – First Nations, Inuit and Metis – Presentation for Educators 
Healthy Food Guidelines for First Nations Communities – First Nations Health Council (English)
Investing in Healthy Breakfast in Communities: Toolkit to healthy Breakfast Programming – NADA (English)
Sodium and Diabetes Info Sheet – NADA (English)
Safe Food Handling for Immunocompromised Individuals – Health Canada (English)
Food Procurement Food Skills Food Insecurity Fact Sheets – PROOF (English)
Addressing Food Security Mohawks of Akwesasne
Community Kitchens and Good Food Boxes
Transforming Healthy Eating Services in the BC First Nations Health Authority
Cultural Safety in Nutrition Education and Programming
Generational Investigation of Traditional Food Knowledge among First Nations Communities
Moving the NAN Food Strategy Forward
Strengthening the Capacity of Health Promotion Professionals
First Nations of North and South America Food Contributions
Living a Traditional Diet

Food Security First Nations and Inuit Background Paper by Elaine Power
This unpublished background paper on food security was prepared by Dr. Elaine Power, Queen’s University, in 2007, and is still very relevant today. It presents an overview of food security in the First Nations and Inuit context, including unique considerations. Dr. Power proposes that “cultural food security” is another level of First Nations and Inuit food security, beyond individual, household and community food security.

Aboriginal Food Security in Northern Canada: an Assessment of the State of Knowledge
Aboriginal Food Security in Northern Canada: An Assessment of the State of Knowledge, a report released in March 2014 by the Council of Canadian Academies, provides a comprehensive overview of the food security situation in the north but is also applicable to Aboriginal populations in other areas of Canada.

Evaluating Outcomes of Community Food Actions: A Guide
Measurement & Analysis Companion Document
Appendix A – Evaluation Planning Worksheets
The purpose of this Guide is to provide people involved in Community Food Actions (CFAs) with practical tools, resources, and strategies to evaluate outcomes. More specifically, this Guide is focused on CFAs that are aiming to reduce barriers to food access (either through policy and systems change work and/or through addressing the needs of individuals). You may also wish to visit the website for additional information at

Ten-year study which assesses food consumption, nutrient intake, overweight and obesity, food security status, and environmental contaminants exposure through water and traditional foods. For more information visit their website at

Income-Related Food Insecurity in Canada
This publication includes information about food insecurity prevalence and severity for Aboriginal people aged 19-50 years old living off-reserve in the 10 provinces in 2004. For more information visit their website

How Big Is One Serving Diabetes Care Sheet – NADA (English)

Diabetes Prevention This resource promotes the message of healthy eating. As a Haudenosaunee cultural message the Three Sisters are the Corn, Beans and Squash are the main foods that taught food as medicine for all our people throughout their cycle of life. Grow, hunt, fish and gather our foods with great respect to have a healthy body, mind and spirit.

Diabetes & Healthy Eating This hand-out shows aspects of healthy eating such as meal planning, carbohydrates and calories counting and portion sizes.

Grocery List This is a resource developed by the Heart & Stroke Foundation that provides tips in a grocery store in terms of healthier food choices. Please use this list when you go grocery shopping.

Healthy Eating Poster This poster is developed by the Six Nations Health Services to raise awareness and consumption of natural and healthy foods.

Nutrition Resource This resource, developed by the Vancouver Island Health Authority, raises awareness of good nutrition and includes an easy way to read food labels in stores.

Nutrition Tips for Those with Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease is a resource provided by the Northern Saskatchewan Health Services. It is great resource for people with diabetes who need to prevent and manage kidney disease. It contains excellent nutrition tips people can use daily to better their kidney health.

Tree of Life Food Guide This resource promotes traditional foods based on the Haudenosaunee cultural teachings to teach the importance of food as medicine.

Traditional Food Factsheets This resource provides information traditional food use, traditional harvesting, recipes and nutrition messages

What’s on Your Plate is a resource that is being used by nutritionists in British Columbia to increase awareness of everyday foods versus sometimes foods. This is a great resource to use and share with community members.

The following materials formed a food security workshop that was given at NADA’s Community Diabetes Prevention Worker Continuing Education Forum in 2011. They may be used and/or adapted for other audiences, and provide a great start for thinking about how communities might begin to address food security issues, for example through community planning and initiatives that help improve healthy food access and availability.

Food Security Presentation view the speaker notes by pointing a cursor to the icon in the right upper corner.

Promising practice handout
Food security facilitator’s manual
Our food in Hopedale
Conceptual model

Nuu-Chah-Nulth Wellness
Nuu-Chah-Nulth Wellness Channel aims to share wellness videos with community members to embrace the Nuu-Chah-Nulth way of health through connection and the sharing of knowledge.

Nuu-Chah-Nulth Resources 

Food Sovereignty / Food Security

GIFTS FROM OUR RELATIONS INDIGENOUS ORIGINAL FOODS GUIDE- The National Indigenous Diabetes Association (NIDA) presents this resource booklet entitled “Gifts from our Relations”, which consists of commonly consumed traditional foods (plants/animals) that are Indigenous to our lands.

Through this resource, NIDA honours 18 foods that are important to various Indigenous Peoples throughout Turtle Island. Though our diets have changed significantly, the benefits of eating original foods remain the same. They are highly nutritious, which keeps us strong and healthy, and the hunting, fishing, trapping, and gathering of original food keeps us physically active and spiritually grounded. These are all parts of living a healthy life. Our personal health is something we have the power to change. It is the condition we keep our bodies in, and results directly from what we eat and how active we are.

The purpose is to create an easy-to-read, visual resource with practical information that anyone can use for nutritional information on these foods and plants. Overall, it will foster discussions around original food consumption as a means of reducing the incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes in First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, as well as providing information for those living with diabetes and looking to self-manage through diet. This information can also be useful for Registered Dietitians to provide to clients. The goal is to promote consumption of original foods for improved diabetes management and to strengthen cultural identity among First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities.

Original Foods Guide

CADEAUX DENOS RELATIONS GUIDE DES ALIMENTS AUTOCHTONES D’ORIGINE- L’Association nationale autochtone du diabète présente cette brochure de ressources intitulée Cadeaux de nos relations, qui traite d’aliments traditionnels (plantes ou animaux) communément consommés et qui sont indigènes à nos territoires.

Dans la présente ressource, l’Association nationale autochtone du diabète met à l’honneur 18 aliments qui sont importants pour divers peuples autochtones de l’Île de la Tortue. Même si notre alimentation a beaucoup changé, les bienfaits pour la santé des aliments d’origine demeurent les mêmes. Ce sont des aliments très nutritifs qui maintiennent notre vitalité et notre santé, et les activités de chasse, de pêche, de piégeage et de cueillette qui leur sont associées nous maintiennent physiquement actifs et bien enracinés sur le plan spirituel. Tout cela fait partie d’un mode de vie sain. Notre santé personnelle est quelque chose que nous avons le pouvoir de changer. C’est l’état dans lequel nous maintenons notre corps et qui découle directement de ce que nous mangeons et de notre degré d’activité.

L’objectif est de produire une ressource visuelle facile à lire contenant de l’information pratique que tout le monde peut utiliser pour trouver des données nutritionnelles sur ces aliments et ces plantes. De manière générale, elle favorisera le débat sur la consommation d’aliments d’origine comme moyen de réduire l’incidence et la prévalence du diabète de type 2 dans les communautés des Premières Nations, inuites et métisses, et elle fournira de l’information aux diabétiques qui souhaitent gérer leur maladie par l’alimentation. Les diététistes pourront eux aussi y trouver de l’information utile à leurs clients. Le but est d’encourager la consommation d’aliments d’origine pour améliorer la gestion du diabète et renforcer l’identité culturelle des communautés des Premières Nations, inuites et métisses.


Article – “Undermined at every turn: the lie of the failed native farm on the Prairies:

Food Sovereignty Assessment Tool, 2nd Edition:

How Sweet Is It? Calories and Teaspoons of Sugar in 12 Ounces of Each Beverage

Native Foods and Health Fact Sheets

Native Infusion: Rethink Your Drink – A Guide to Ancestral Beverages

NIZHÓNÍGO ÍÍNÁ – Cooking with Navajo Traditional Foods

Oneida Cookbook – Traditional and Healthy Foods for Our Community

Seeds of Native Health – created and funded by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) is a major philanthropic effort to improve the nutrition of Native Americans across the country:

Massage Therapy

Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy– Ontario

Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy offers affordable, accessible, RMT-supervised Student Clinics. For people living with diabetes, massage can help improve circulation, tissue health and overall wellbeing, as well as increase strength and mobility, reduce pain and improve sleep. Our students, instructors and staff share a culture of strong values, of respect for diversity of persons and background, and of belief in the power of educated touch in healthcare.

Partner and Network Links

Associations and Charities

Aboriginal Health Initiative Program Vancouver Coastal Health AHIP was launched in 2002 as a regional community based funding program to support and encourage Aboriginal communities to identify health promotion projects that are culturally meaningful to them.

Assembly of First Nations “We, as First Nations peoples accept our responsibility as keepers of Mother Earth to achieve the best quality of life and health for future generations based on our traditions, values, cultures and languages.”

Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association The mission of the Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association is to improve the health of Indigenous people, by supporting Indigenous Nurses and by promoting the development and practice of Indigenous Health Nursing.

CancerCare Manitoba Foundation CancerCare Manitoba is dedicated to providing exceptional care for our patients and their families.

Charity Village You are on Main Street at Charity Village®, Canada’s supersite for the nonprofit sector — 3,000 pages of news, jobs, information and resources for executives, staffers, donors, and volunteers.

Diabetes Advocacy An online community dedicated to advocacy, education, and assistance for those living with Diabetes.

Diabetes Canada Leading the fight against diabetes.

Dietitians of Canada provides leadership and support to promote health and well being through expertise in food and nutrition.

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Finding answers for life™

Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada Improving Indigenous health status to the highest attainable level.

International Diabetes Federation The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is an umbrella organization of over 200 national diabetes associations in over 160 countries.

Manitioba Lung Assocation As a recognized leader and primary resource in lung health, our mission is to enable all Manitobans to breathe with ease. We are committed to helping prevent tobacco use, especially among our youth, as well as supporting people in their efforts to quit sm

Manitoba Fitness Council The Manitoba Fitness Council (MFC) is the local organization that represents the National Fitness Leaders Alliance or NFLA. The NFLA/ MFC is also a member of ICREPS, the International College of Exercise Register.

Native Women’s Association of Canada is founded on the collective goal to enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of First Nations and Métis women within First Nation, Métis and Canadian societies.

The Kidney Foundation of Canada Today, the Kidney Foundation of Canada is the national health charity committed to kidney health and to improved lives for all people living with kidney disease.

World Health Organization In the 21st century, health is a shared responsibility, involving equitable access to essential care and collective defence against transnational threats.

Za-geh-do-win Information Clearinghouse We provide information about Health, Family Healing, and Family Violence for Aboriginal Communities in Ontario, Canada.

Children and Youth

Right to Play Since 2010, Right To Play partnered with First Nations and urban Aboriginal organizations across Ontario and Manitoba to deliver the PLAY Program. The PLAY program is focused on limiting the challenges and building on the strengths of Aboriginal youth.

Community Programs and Resources

Anishnawbe Health Toronto Our mission is to improve the health and well being of Aboriginal People in spirit, mind, emotion and body through both Traditional and Western healing approaches. The programs and services we offer are based on our culture and traditions through a multi-disciplinary team of dedicated healthcare professionals and service providers. Direction is provided by a Volunteer Board made up of community members, and we are accredited by Canadian Centre for Accreditation.

Addiction Treatment and Recovery Guide for Disabled People
Addictions are intensifiers. If you have a physical disability, an addiction can worsen your discomfort and increase your limitations. Please click on the link above for more information.

Disability Awareness and Planning for Accessibility during Events
An introduction to disability awareness when organizing any kind of event. This includes understanding common barriers to accessibility in events and venues, as well as the economic benefit of inclusivity.

Electric Cars and Accessibility In this guide, we’ll look to give those with accessibility requirements a comprehensive breakdown of how to make the most of your EV experience.

Making the World Safer for Senior Citizens An Injury Prevention Guide This guide covers the common ways in which seniors get injured and how these injuries can be prevented.

North East Health Line Diabetes Education Programs provide individuals with the tools, skills and confidence needed to properly self-manage their diabetes and enable them to live healthy lives. The Diabetes Education teams consist primarily of a registered nurse and a dietitian who work with family physicians and diabetes care experts. People with diabetes are encouraged to take an active role in the day-to-day management of their own health care and can access one of Ontario’s Diabetes Education Programs for assistance.

Ontario Health Care Options Moose Deer Point First Nation – MacTier – Twelve Mile Bay Rd

Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority OUR PARTNERSHIP WITH DIGNITAS INTERNATIONAL In 2014, SLFNHA and Dignitas International (DI), a leading Canadian medical and research organization, launched a partnership to support the development of First Nations-led solutions to health inequities experienced by people living in remote SLA communities. Based on the complementary knowledge and experience of both organizations, SLFNHA and DI co-designed and are presently implementing a CHW pilot program in four communities: Kingfisher Lake, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Slate Falls and Kasabonika Lake (2,400 total population). This 3-year project (2014-2017) was funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care’s Health System Research Fund Capacity Awards.

Sheshegwaning First Nation The Sheshegwaning Health Centre provides health promotion and prevention services, specialized assessments, consultation, counselling, referrals, and support to the clients of the Sheshegwaning First Nation. Our staff are prepared to provide referrals to appropriate agencies/services, network with other First Nation Mental Health and Addiction Workers, coordinate clinics with visiting health care professionals and promote healthy lifestyles.

The Definitive Safety Guide to Attending US Music & Sporting Events with a Disability. This guide offers lots of helpful information such as: Comprehensive information for attending large events if you have a disability, including booking disabled access tickets, checking that the venue can accommodate your accessibility requirements , and other tips for a stress-free and safe day.

TLAFC Health Programs Aboriginal Hospital Liaison Program, this program provides advocacy, counselling, referral and support services to Aboriginal people during their stay in Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.

VIHA’s Aboriginal Health Office Aboriginal Resources & Information on Southern Vancouver Island

Departments and Organizations

Canadian Health Coalition Dedicated to protecting and expanding Canada’s public health system for the benefit of all Canadians.

Chronic Disease Network & Access Program of Prince Albert Saskatchewan The primary objective of CD NAP is to improve the quality of life for Northern Saskatchewan residents living with a chronic disease through more effective case management and enhanced patient self management knowledge.

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Representing the rights and interests of off-reserve Aboriginal people in Canada.

Health Canada is the federal department responsible for helping the people of Canada maintain and improve their health.

Health Council of Canada Confident in the effectiveness, sustainability and capacity of the Canadian health care system to promote their health and meet their health care needs.

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatam Canada’s National Inuit Organization

Métis National Council reflects the holistic understanding of the Métis Nation about what things are important when considering the health and well-being of our people and when designing policies and programs to address our population health needs.

Native Council of PEI The objective of the program is to raise awareness of diabetes, it’s risk factors and the value of healthy lifestyle practices.

Public Health Agency of Canada PHAC’s primary goal is to strengthen Canada’s capacity to protect and improve the health of Canadians and to help reduce pressures on the health-care system.

The Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) The Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was officially established on June 1, 2008 and the new website is on-line at

Diabetes Prevention and Management

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative is designed to provide a more comprehensive, collaborative and integrated approach to decreasing diabetes and its complications among Aboriginal peoples.

Alberta Diabetes Foundation is a team of volunteers and professionals who raise money to fund research at the Alberta Diabetes Institute.

Alberta Diabetes Institute the Alberta Diabetes Institute catalogues all major releases relating to ADI researchers and major stories affecting the diabetes research community at the university.

Canadian Diabetes Care Guide a digest sized magazine written by Diabetes Professionals for people with diabetes.

Canadian Diabetes Educator Certification Board To provide a process whereby eligible health professionals in Canada can become certified, maintain their certification, and be recognized as diabetes education specialists promoting the national standards of care for individuals affected by diabetes.

Diabeaters® Creative diabetes education resources

Diabetes Hope Foundation Creating a life without limits for kids with diabetes.

Diabetes in Saskatchewan Contact information in Saskatchewan health regions, and the provincial diabetes co-ordinator.

Diabetes Ontario Being able to access and utilize the diabetes education and management services offered by a qualified team of health care professionals is key to managing diabetes.

Diabetes Québec Founded in 1954, helping people with diabetes for almost 50 years

Diabetic Gourmet Dedicated to Diabetic Dining and Healthy Living.

DREAM-Diabetes Research Envisioned and Accomplished in Manitoba click here

Get Better Together is a free six-week workshop designed to help Manitobans with ongoing health conditions take control of their health.

Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project “Healthy eating habits, daily physical activity & postive attitude can prevent diabetes”

Manitoba Developmental Origins of Chronic Disease in Children Network (DEVOTION) click here

Indigenous Diabetes Health Circle IDHC Formerly SOADI is an education and awareness program that assists Aboriginal communities in decreasing the incidence of diabetes through awareness and resources with 5 regional diabetes workers across Southern Ontario.

The Chronic Disease Network & Access Program of Prince Albert Grand Council This website has been developed to provide information on chronic disease prevention and management for those nothern residents who have chronic disease such as diabetes, cardivascular disease, hypertention and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The Maestro Project A Community Resource for Young Adults with Diabetes in Manitoba

Tungasuvvingat Inuit Welcome to Tungasuvvingat Inuit’s Urban Inuit Diabetes Awareness and Prevention Website.

Women’s Health Matters This health centre has been developed by women health professionals for women with diabetes. It is intended to help you better understand how diabetes affects you as a woman and how best to manage it.

World Diabetes Day November 14 A campaign led by the International Diabetes Federation

Yellowquill College ~ Community Diabetes Prevention Worker Specializing in First Nation & Aboriginal Education & Training

Youville Centre “Working with you for better health.”

Food and Nutrition

101 Yummy Snacks and Treats for Low-Carb Diet

Canadian Women’s Health Network Sharing information, resources and strategies, and building links to improve women’s health.

Colour it up Colour It Up…Go for More Vegetables and Fruit is an exciting, proven provincial program in Ontario that helps women and their families learn to eat the number of servings of vegetables and fruit recommended by Canada’s Food Guide.

First Nation Food, Nutrition & Environment Study A national scope study on the benefits and risks of food and water in First Nations communities

Programs and Services

Alberta Health Services Program objectives include: providing an effective, patient-centered approach for improving care, working with health zones to facilitate the development and delivery of health services, and facilitating seamless accessible, culturally safe, equitable health service delivery for all First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities.

CWHN The Aboriginal Circle of Life Diabetes Support Group

Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Healthline Type 1 diabetes, usually diagnosed in children, occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce insulin. Insulin is an essential body requirement that ensures body energy needs are met. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body does not effectively use the insulin that is produced. Type 2 diabetes usually develops in adulthood. A third type of diabetes, gestational diabetes, is a temporary condition that occurs during pregnancy.

Lakeridge Health Diabetes Support Groups

Memorial University Aboriginal Resource Office – Local Resources The St. John’s Native Friendship Centre (SJNFC) is a non-profit, registered charity, community-based association set in the capital city of Newfoundland and Labrador that serves the urban Aboriginal population. The Centre provides a wide range of programs and services and is open to all people regardless of heritage.

Metis Portals Aboriginal Diabetes Projects in Canada

RS Components A Home Safety Checklist for Wheelchair Users.

St. Joseph’s Care Group We offer diabetes services to four First Nations communities northeast of Thunder Bay.


Canadian Paediatric Society Risk reduction for type 2 diabetes in Aboriginal children in Canada

CBC Inuit Type 2 diabetes gap worsens

CSSSPNQL Scan on Diabetes in First Nations Communities of Quesbec

First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba Partners for Engagement and Knowledge Exchange (PEKE) click here

First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC) click here

First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC) Regional Health Survey (RHS) click here

Health Alberta First Nations in Alberta: A Focus on Health Service Use

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation The mission of JDRF is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) is the leading charitable funder and advocate of Type 1 diabetes research worldwide.

Manitoba Metis Federation Diabetes and Related Health Care Utilization in the Metis Population in Manitoba

Public Health Agency of Canada Report from the National Diabetes Surveillance System: Diabetes in Canada, 2009

The Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba A research community that blends both basic and clinical science to best serve the health needs of children.

The Metis Nation of Ontario  Diabetes in the Métis Nation of Ontario | FACT SHEET

University of Saskatchewan Aboriginal Health: Diabetes

Physical Activity

Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card
Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card Power Point
Active Living for Early Childhood Resource
Best Practices – Physical Activity Programs for Aboriginal Youth
Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines Handbook – CSEP/CHEO/ParticipACTION (English)
How to Become a Fitness Leader
ISPARC Healthy Living (Video)
ISPARC Health Beat (Video)
Physical Activity Approaches (English)
Physical Activity Approaches (French)
Physical Activity Diabetes Care Sheet – NADA (English)
Physical Activity During Pregnancy
Physical Activity Tool NWT
Share Our Play Toolkit
The Benefits of Physical Activity for First Nation, Inuit and Metis Communities – Saint Elizabeth (English)
View: Case Studies and Promising Practices on Interactive SlideShare in English 
View: Case Studies and Promising Practices on Interactive SlideShare in French 
View: Prezi on-line presentation to introduce the Case Study information

Indigenous Sport Councils of Canada

British Columbia
Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council (ISPARC)
Indigenous Sport Council Alberta (ISCA)
Sask Sport Inc.
Manitoba Aboriginal Sports and Recreation Council (MASRC)
Indigenous Sport & Wellness Ontario (ISWO)
Quebec First Nations Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC)
New Brunswick
Aboriginal Sport and Recreation New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Aboriginal Sport and Recreation Circle
Nova Scotia
Mi`kmaw Kina`matnewey
Prince Edward Island
Mi`kmaq Confederacy of PEI
Yukon Aboriginal Sport Circle
Northwest Territories
Aboriginal Sports Circle NWT
Sport and Recreation

Indigenous Sport Youth Groups

Winnipeg Aboriginal Sport Achievement Centre (WASAC)
Right to PLAY Program
Aboriginal Youth First Sports and Rec

Quality Improvement

REACH, a quality improvement program that centers Indigenous knowledge, healthcare self-determination, and community priorities to support better diabetes care.

Smoking Cessation

First Nations and Inuit Component of the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy

Smoking prevalence for Aboriginal Canadians is almost triple that of non-Aboriginal Canadians. According to the 2008/10 Regional Health Survey (RHS), 57% of First Nations adults living on-reserve and in northern First Nations communities smoke daily or occasionally. The 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey reports that 63.3% of Inuit adults are daily or occasional smokers.

Health Canada is concerned about the high rates of smoking within Aboriginal communities.  It is working with First Nations and Inuit partners to take steps to reduce smoking and increase smoke-free environments to support healthy First Nations and Inuit individuals, families and communities.

The current Federal Tobacco Control Strategy includes $22 million (2012-2017) for a First Nations and Inuit Component.  This component supports First Nations and Inuit communities in implementing evidence-based tobacco control strategies.

NADA coordinates a Community of Practice for the Project Coordinators of the FNI-FTCS.

NADA’s primary goal was to assist the FNI-FTCS recipients and their respective communities to achieve project objectives focused on four (4) key indicators and enhance co-learning and knowledge exchange.

The approach to comprehensive tobacco control is organized around four key intervention pillars of; leadership, health promotion, smoking cessation, and research and evaluation.  Accordingly, the FNI-FTCS has adopted four related key success indicators, as follows:

  1. An increase in the percentage of smoke-free spaces in their communities
  2. An increase in the number and type of smoking-related resolutions and policies that are in place
  3. A decrease in the percentage of daily smokers in comparison to initial baselines
  4. The development of promising practices, both new and existing, that can be shared with other communities

The major objectives of the FNI-FTCS Community of Practice conference were to provide a host site that would augment learning and knowledge exchange opportunities.  Plus, participants were encouraged to share relevant resources, promising practices/strategies around a continuum of tobacco control and prevention modules.


First Nations and Inuit Community Of Practice Face to Face Gathering Report (2019-2020)

A Report On The Findings From The Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2018-2019)

A Report On The Findings From The Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2017-2018)

FTCS Proceedings Report 2018

A Four Year Report On The Findings From The Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2014-2018)

FTCS-Final-Report 2014-2015

FNI-FTCS Two Year Review 2014-2016

A Report On The Findings From The Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2016-2017)

A Three-Year Report On The Findings From The Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2014-17)

FNI-FTCS Community of Practice Face to Face Gathering 2017 Report

2017 FNI-FTCS Community of Practice: Respecting Tobacco – A Discussion Paper to Inform Future Federal Tobacco Control in Canada



British Columbia






Atlantic Region

News (provided by Rob Cunningham):

Traveling with Diabetes

Despite a diabetes diagnosis, travelling should not be restricted. Instead, people with diabetes should be able to travel the world without too many difficulties, as long as prior planning is considered.

Despite this, there are factors that will come into play when travelling. These include your diet, the level of activity you’ll be undertaking and the climate. Each can have an effect on blood glucose levels and impact your health when overseas.

Of course, you’ll also want to know what equipment and supplies can be taken abroad, whilst understanding the best precautions to take with either type of diabetes. Throughout this guide we’ll address the important matters for travelling with diabetes, such as:

  • Crucial advice for planning your trip.
  • Maintaining health and controlling glucose levels.
  • The effect of different climates on your condition.

Air Travel
Diabetes Canada

Weight Management

Canadian Obesity Network

Research Innovation
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G2E1
Phone: 780-492-8361
Email: :

Get Involved

The proceeds from the membership fees and donations go towards funding activities and projects.