Regional Services
Diabetes Management & Support Resources
Bringing Youth Towards Equality (BYTE)
BYTE began to surface out of Yukon’s need to have an organization with youth ideas, plans, and initiatives at its core. BYTE unites and strengthens youths to take action and bring about a positive change for the well -being of everyone. Tel: (867) 667-7975. www.yukonyouth.com
Champagne & Aishihik First Nations
The Health and Social Department of Champagne & Aishihik First Nations provides a wide range of services and programs for community members including diabetes and chronic disease prevention and management support. Hanes Junction Tel: (867) 634-4200, Whitehorse Tel: (867) 456-6888. www.cafn.ca/health
Chronic Conditions Support Program
The program assists doctors, nurses and other health care professionals in working together with patients to achieve the best possible care in diabetes and other chronic diseases. Tel: (867) 393-7487. http://www.hss.gov.yk.ca/ccsp.php
Chronic Diseases & Disability Benefits Program
Chronic Disease and Disability Benefits Program provides advocacy and benefits for Yukon residents who have a chronic disease or a serious functional disability. Tel: (867) 667-5092, Toll-Free: 1-800-661-0408, local 5092 (Yukon only). http://www.hss.gov.yk.ca/chronicdisease.php?WT.mc_id=ygps028
Diabetes Education Centre
The Yukon Diabetes Education Centre provides individual outpatient appointments and group sessions. They also provide teaching and ongoing support to adults diagnosed with diabetes, including persons diagnosed with type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. Tel: (867) 393-8711. Website: http://bit.ly/1dGCYcm
First Nations Health Programs—Yukon Hospital Corporation
The hospital offers various diabetes related services such as nutrition counselling, physical activity advice, diabetes management and treatment plans. Tel: (867) 393–8758. http://www.yukonhospitals.ca/firstnationhealthprogram/
Healthier U
Healthier U provides various resources and information on how to keep a human body healthy. This specific resource provides information on how to make healthier choices when it comes to living a healthier life. Toll-Free: 1-877-YK STYLE (1-877-957-8953). http://www.bettertoknow.yk.ca/healthieru
Yukon Community Health Centres
This website provides information and listing of health centres based out of Yukon. http://www.hss.gov.yk.ca/healthcentres.php
Yukon Diabetes Resource Guide
This diabetes resource guide was put together by the Diabetes Reference Group and its partners as an aid for people living with diabetes and their families. This guide covers a variety of topics such as diabetes management, healthy eating, physical activity and foot care. http://www.hss.gov.yk.ca/pdf/diabetesresourceguide.pdf
Yukon Health and Social Services
This is a government website that has plenty of information for Aboriginal people living with diabetes, especially in regard to medical services and diabetes resources that they can access in Yukon. Toll-Free in Yukon: 1-800-661-0408-ext:4. http://www.hss.gov.yk.ca/
Yukon Publications on Healthy Living
The website provides various resources on healthy living and information on active lifestyle for Aboriginal people living with diabetes and for health care professionals working to minimize the impact of diabetes. http://www.hss.gov.yk.ca/
Nutrition Publications and Resources
This website provides information and resources on nutrition for Aboriginal people who live with a chronic disease such as diabetes. http://www.hss.gov.yk.ca/nutrition.php
On the Path Together—Wellness Plan for Yukon’s Children and Families
This is a great resource to help Yukon children and families live a healthier life. There is no better focus than supporting families and communities to raise healthier and happier children. http://www.yukonwellness.ca/pdf/wellnessplan.pdf
Recreation and Parks Association of the Yukon (RPAY)
RPAY is a not-for-profit organization that works in partnership with Yukon groups, agencies, and individuals to promote and support healthier, active lifestyles in Yukon. Established in 1993, RPAY has grown from a small volunteer board to a staff of four. The Recreation and Parks Association of the Yukon is a group of individuals who empower Yukon’s people and communities to adopt healthier lifestyles. Tel: (867) 668-3010, Toll-Free: 1-866-961-WALK (9255). https://www.rpay.ca/
Physical Activity, Nutrition, Healthy Weights
Sport Yukon
Sport Yukon is a not-for-profit organization run by a volunteer board of directors. Its member organizations are territorial sport governing bodies, clubs and associations who offer a variety of sport, recreation and other community based programs. Sport Yukon is an organization that enhances opportunities for all people of Yukon in their pursuit of excellence and in their enjoyment of participation. Tel: (867) 668-4236. http://www.sportyukon.com/
Yukon Aboriginal Sport Circle (YASC)
YASC is a Whitehorse based not-for-profit society dedicated to the advancement of Aboriginal recreation and sport in Yukon. They provide support to Aboriginal athletes as well as Arctic Sports, Dene Games, Archery and Lacrosse activities in Whitehorse but also in all of the Yukon communities. Tel: (867) 668-2840. http://www.yasc.ca/
Yukon Food for Learning Association (YFFLA)
YFFLA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the nutritional needs of the youth & the community of Yukon. YFFLA vision is a Yukon where every student has access to nutritious healthy food while at school. YFFLA supports school-based nutrition programs and encourages lifelong healthy eating programs. Tel: (867) 393-6902. http://www.yukonfoodforlearning.ca/
Yukon Grown
This website provides information and resources on improving food security in Yukon by growing fruit and vegetables indoors and outdoors and working with Yukon organic farmers. http://yukongrown.yukonfood.com/
Yukon Hand Games Society
The Annual Yukon Hand Games Tournament continues to promote the sport of hand games in Yukon and provides an opportunity for competition for both youth and adults.
Vice President Theresa Sidney Tel: (867) 333-9427, Email: mrsgsidney@hotmail.com
Yukon Nutrition Programs
This website provides information on various resources and teaching tools available to educate the general public of Yukon on nutrition and healthy eating practices. http://www.hss.gov.yk.ca/nutrition.php
QuitPath to Smoking
QuitPath is here to help you quit smoking. Whether you’re considering quitting smoking, or have made the decision to quit smoking already, the help you are looking for is right here! http://www.quitpath.ca/
Whitehorse Tel: (867) 667-8393, Toll-Free: 1-866-221-8393
Heart and Stroke Foundation – BC and Yukon
The Heart & Stroke Foundation has been promoting heart health and preventing heart disease for the citizens of Yukon through awareness and education. They provide many resources on improving heart health and living a healthier lifestyle. Tel: (778) 372-8000, Toll-Free: 1-888-473-4636. http://www.heartandstroke.ca/
Tobacco, Smoking & Diabetes, Mental Health, Foot Care, Kidney Health, Healthy Heart
Yukon First Nation Mental Wellness Workbook
The workbook is divided into eight sections. Each section has tools that you can print out and use for case management, client assessment, planning programs, and writing proposals. The work sheets are designed to be copied or modified to best suit the needs of individual First Nations people. http://bit.ly/15R8TmW
Salt Shake Up
Sodium is an essential nutrient that is found in table salt and many other foods. However, we only need a small amount of sodium to regulate fluids and blood pressure, and to keep muscles and nerves running smoothly. This resource teaches about optimal consumption of sodium without overindulging. http://www.yukonwellness.ca/saltshakeup.php#.VIDYj3vG-ws