Regional Services
Diabetes Management & Support Resources
Anishnawbe Mushkiki Health Centre
Anishnawbe Mushkiki is an Aboriginal Community Health Centre established as a primary health care facility within the District of Thunder Bay. The centre promotes healthy eating with a primary focus on Aboriginal people living with diabetes. 101 N Syndicate Ave. Suite 2B, Thunder Bay, ON P7C 3V4. Phone: 807-623-0383. http://mushkiki.com/
Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario (AFHTO)
Family Health Teams are committed to meeting the Ontario government’s strategy to improve access to comprehensive primary health care for Ontarians by reducing the number of unattached patients in Ontario, keeping Ontarians healthy, reducing hospital wait times, and providing better access to primary health care services. Tel: (647) 234-8605. www.afhto.ca
Association of Ontario Health Centres (AOHC)
Working hand in hand with our members, AOHC works in many different ways to promote community health and well-being across Ontario. The association advocates for increased focus, healthier public policy and a more effective, equitable and comprehensive primary health care system that addresses the determinants of health. Tel: (416) 236-2539. www.aohc.org
Beausoleil Family Health Centre
The centre provides a variety of health services including health information, dental clinic, counselling services, nutrition services, aging at home support program, healthy babies program, the Christian Island Addiction and Mental Health Program, as well as transportation to medical appointments. Tel: (705) 247-2035. http://www.bfhc.ca/
Canadian Institute for Health Information
The Canadian Institute for Health Information provides a series of interactive websites designed for different audiences to help them understand how well Canada’s health system is performing in each province. http://bit.ly/179SydD
Blind River District Health Centre
This centre provides diabetes education, prevention, and diabetes care services including diabetes screening and management support. Tel: (705) 356-2265. http://www.brdhc.on.ca/
De Dwa Da Dehs Nye>S – Aboriginal Health Centre
This centre offers healthy lifestyle education services, nutrition counselling and fitness advice. Hamilton Location: Tel: (905) 544-4320. Brantford Location: Tel: (519) 752-4340. www.aboriginalhealthcentre.com/
Dokis First Nation Health Centre
The centre’s health services delivery focuses on a holistic approach offering western and traditional healing choices. The complimentary relationship between the two healing traditions impacts on disease prevention, facilitation of recovery from illness and enhancement of well-being. Tel: (705) 763-2200. Click here for link
Doreen Potts Health Centre – Temagami First Nation
The Doreen Potts Health Centre delivers many services for Temagami First Nation members. Programs include Medical Transportation (On-Reserve), Diabetes Prevention, Community Health Nurse, Community Health Representative, Healthy Babies – Healthy Children, Drug and Alcohol Worker, Health Promotion and Safety Worker and Community Support Services including Elders, Disabled and Youth, etc. Tel: (705) 237-8900, Toll-Free: 1-866-262-2862. http://bit.ly/1xeiK0G
Dryden Native Friendship Centre
The Dryden Native Friendship Centre (DNFC) was incorporated on November 13, 1984, and became a member of the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres (OFIFC) on October 22, 1988. Their programs and resources include Akwe:go, Apatisiwin, Community Wellness, Health Outreach, Life Long Care, Urban Aboriginal Healthy Living, and Wasa-Nabin. Tel: (807) 223-4180. http://www.ofifc.org/centre/dryden-native-friendship-centre
Eagle Lake Health and Resource Centre
Eagle Lake Health and Resource Centre provides community-based health services to members of Eagle Lake First Nation. Service delivery is client-centered and is based on cultural values and practices of Eagle Lake First Nation. Their programs focus on the holistic approach to wellness. Tel: (807) 755-1157. Click here for link
Institute for Clinical Evaluation Sciences (ICES)
Institute for Clinical Evaluation Sciences (ICES) The institute provides research and statistics on diabetes, including prevalence, number of diabetes cases and diabetes health outcomes. http://www.ices.on.ca/
Native Canadian Centre of Toronto
The centre provides diabetes education and encourages diabetes prevention through physical activity, healthy eating and optimal mental health. Tel: (416) 964-9087. https://ncct.on.ca/
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is working to establish a patient-focused, results-driven, integrated and sustainable publicly funded health system. Its plan for building a sustainable public health care system in Ontario is based on helping people stay healthy, delivering good care when people need it, and protecting the health system for future generations. Toll-Free: 1-866-532-3161 www.health.gov.on.ca/en/ms/diabetes/pdf/newsletters/nl_ods_4.pdf
Ontario Native Women’s Association
The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) is a not-for-profit organization that was established in 1972 to empower and support Aboriginal women and their families throughout the province of Ontario including promoting healthy living among Aboriginal women with a major focus on diabetes prevention. Tel: (807) 623-3442, Toll-Free: 1-800-667-0816. http://www.onwa.ca
Paawidigong First Nations Forum
The organization provides education and services for the prevention, management and treatment of diabetes in North Western Ontario. Tel: (807) 223-5080. http://search.211north.ca/record/TBY1692
Public Health Ontario
Public Health Ontario (PHO) is a crown corporation dedicated to protecting and promoting the health of all Ontarians and reducing inequities in health. PHO links public health practitioners, front-line health workers and researchers to the best scientific intelligence and knowledge from around the world. Tel: (647) 260-7100, Toll-Free: 1-877-543-8931. www.publichealthontario.ca
Registered Nurses Association of Ontario
The Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) is the professional association representing registered nurses in Ontario. They are the strong, credible voice leading the nursing profession to influence and promote healthy public policy. Tel: (416) 599-1925, Toll-Free: 1-800-268-7199. http://rnao.ca/
Shkagamik-kwe Health Centre
Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre (SKHC) is an Aboriginal Health Access Centre (AHAC) dedicated to providing equal access to quality health care for all Aboriginal, Métis and Inuit Peoples in the City of Greater Sudbury, as well as individuals and families from partner First Nations; Wahnapitae, Henvey Inlet and Magnetawan. Tel: (705) 675-1596. www.skhc.ca
Indigenous Diabetes Health Circle (IDHC) [formerly Southern Ontario Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (SOADI)]
IDHC provides education on prevention and management of diabetes in Aboriginal communities, both on and off-reserve. The high prevalence of diabetes in Southern Ontario has placed it among the top health priorities. IDHC is a front line organization providing diabetes support at the grassroots level. Tel: (888) 514-1370. https://idhc.life/
Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre (SOAHAC)
SOAHAC offers a diabetes education and management program at both the Chippewa and London sites. They offer classes and individual sessions with specially trained nurses and dietitians. This program offers support and education to Indigenous people with type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes or Aboriginal people interested to learn more. www.soahac.on.ca/
Timmins Native Friendship Centre – Urban Aboriginal Healthy Lifestyles Program
The Urban Aboriginal Healthy Lifestyles Program (UAHLP) is designed to increase participation in sport, physical fitness and to provide nutrition and smoking prevention/cessation supports for healthier living amongst urban Aboriginal people. Tel: (705) 268-6262, Fax: (705) 268-6266. http://www.tnfc.ca/index.html
Unison’s Live Free…Prevent Diabetes
Funded by the Toronto Central LHIN, Live Free…Prevent Diabetes is a diabetes prevention project dedicated to reducing the onset of diabetes in Toronto’s North West communities. Tel: (416) 799-0812, Fax: (416) 787-3761. http://unisonhcs.org/health-promotion/chronic-disease-prevention/diabetes/
Unison Health & Community Services
The program provides screening at various community locations. It promotes healthy lifestyles through a series of seminars that teach tools for leading a healthier lifestyle. http://unisonhcs.org/
Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health
The centre provides diabetes support and counselling to groups and individuals. Diabetes screening and overall diabetes care is also available on site. Tel: (613) 748-0657, Fax: (613) 748-9364 www.wabano.com/
Physical Activity, Nutrition, Healthy Weights and Massage Therapy
Breakfast for Learning—Ontario
Breakfast for Learning is a national charity that educates and empowers communities to deliver school based nutrition programs, helping children and youth realize their full potential in life. Tel: (416) 487-1046, Toll-Free: 1-800-627-7922, Fax: (416) 487-1837 www.breakfastforlearning.ca
Unlock Food (Formerly Eat Right Ontario)
The Unlock Food website offers reliable and printable resources for Ontario residents with regard to proper nutrition and eating healthier foods. www.unlockfood.ca
Lemon Cree
Lemon Cree is a Fitness and Wellness organization that is shaping our people, building our Nation. Tel: (416) 518-8820. http://www.lemoncree.com/
Nutrition Resource Centre (NRC)
NRC was established in 1999 by the Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA), and is a Health Promotion Resource Centre that strengthens the capacity of health care professionals across all care settings and in all communities across Ontario through policy development support, knowledge exchange, transfer and translation, and serves as a centre of excellence for healthy eating and nutrition tools and resources. Tel: (416) 367-3313, Toll-Free: 1-800-267-6817 http://opha.on.ca/Nutrition-Resource-Centre/
Ontario Fitness Council (OFC)
OFC has been operating for 30 years. Today OFC continues to be a vital service for the fitness industry, providing the resources and training essential to enhancing fitness leader performance and stimulating their ongoing growth and success. Tel: 1-800-671-4632 http://ontariofitnesscouncil.com/
ParticipACTION is the national voice of physical activity and sport participation in Canada. Originally established in 1971, ParticipACTION was re-launched in 2007 to help prevent the looming inactivity crisis that faces Canada. Tel: (416) 913-1511. http://www.participaction.com/
Second Harvest
Second Harvest, through many of its projects, provides upwards of 20,000 meals to those in need in Toronto and helps foster community engagement as they strive to realize the visions that no one needs to ever go hungry in the communities. Tel: (416) 408-2594, Fax: (416) 408-2598 https://secondharvest.ca/
Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy
Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy offers affordable, accessible, RMT-supervised Student Clinics. For people living with diabetes, massage can help improve circulation, tissue health and overall wellbeing, as well as increase strength and mobility, reduce pain and improve sleep. Our students, instructors and staff share a culture of strong values, of respect for diversity of persons and background, and of belief in the power of educated touch in healthcare. https://sutherland-chan.com/
Tobacco, Smoking & Diabetes, Mental Health, Foot Care, Kidney Health, Healthy Heart
Unlock Food (Formerly Eat Right Ontario) – A Matter of Taste
This resource contains valuable information on spice substitutions for salt and the dangers of too much added sodium in our diet. http://bit.ly/1BoRrzK
Half Your Plate
Half Your Plate is a new healthy living initiative that empowers Canadians of all ages to eat more fruits and veggies to improve their health. Half Your Plate focuses on providing simple and practical ways to add a variety of fruits and veggies to every meal and snack. http://halfyourplate.ca/
Lung Association of Ontario
The association strives to improve lung health of Ontarians and to be the recognized leader, voice and primary resource in lung health to enable all people to breathe with ease and disease free. Toll-Free: 1-888-344-5864. http://www.on.lung.ca/
Managing Your Feet Fact Sheet
Foot problems are common for people with diabetes and can lead to serious complications. As always, prevention is the best medicine. A good daily foot care regimen will help keep your feet healthy. http://bit.ly/1zcoMjK
Open Minds, Healthy Minds
This is Ontario’s Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Strategy. This resource offers a unique approach to transforming the mental health system through a clear mission, forward-thinking vision and long -term strategies for change. http://bit.ly/13kSbKM
Ontario Tobacco Research Unit
The Ontario Tobacco Research Unit has a long standing, integrated program of knowledge exchange and translation that includes ongoing communications with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and other tobacco control stakeholders as well as development and dissemination of a variety of knowledge exchange/translation publications, data tools and training opportunities including webinars/seminars. Tel: (416) 978-4538 http://otru.org/