Regional Services
Diabetes Management & Support Resources
Cambridge Bay Community Wellness Centre
The Cambridge Bay Community Wellness Center’s mission is to help people achieve their full potential to become independent, healthy and safe. The health centre achieves this by delivering educational programs and counselling services that promote freedom from addiction and violence and encourage positive lifestyle choices.
Department of Health
The Staff at the Department of Health work to improve the health and well-being of Nunavummiut by addressing the differing needs of each community through culturally appropriate programs and services. Tel: (867) 975-5700.
Be the Difference – Nunavut Nurses Portal
The web portal offers information for Aboriginal people seeking a nursing career in Nunavut. Tel: (867) 975-5730.
Are You at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes?
This Nunavut specific resource raises awareness and provides information explaining if you are at risk for getting type 2 diabetes and what you can do to minimize the risk.
Canadian Institute for Health Information
The Canadian Institute for Health Information provides a series of interactive websites designed for different audiences to help them understand how well Canada’s health system is performing in each province.
Inuit Wellness Programs in Nunavut
This is a report on government funded Inuit specific wellness programs in Nunavut.
Nunavut Research Institute
The Nunavut Research Institute’s mandate is to develop, facilitate, and promote scientific research as a resource for the well-being of people in Nunavut. Tel: (867) 979-7280.
Nunavut Roundtable for Poverty Reduction
The Makimaniq Plan reflects our common understanding of the priorities for reducing poverty that most matter at this present stage in the development of Nunavut. Implementing The Makimaniq Plan is about community groups, organizations, government, businesses, and individuals acting in mutual support to achieve poverty reduction goals in our communities.
Qaujigiartiit – Health Research Centre
The centre’s goal is to enable health research to be conducted locally, by northerners, and with communities in a supportive, safe, culturally-sensitive and ethical environment, as well as promote the inclusion of both Inuit and Western epistemologies and methodologies (ways of knowing and doing) in addressing health concerns, creating healthy environments, and improving the health of Nunavummiut.
What is Type 2 Diabetes?
This Nunavut specific resource provides information on type 2 diabetes and its signs and symptoms.
Health Trends, Nunavut
This is a Statistics Canada resource that contains information on health situation and trends in Nunavut from 2003-2013. This information is particularly useful for researchers and policy analysts.
Physical Activity, Nutrition, Healthy Weights
Hunger in Nunavut—Local Food for Healthier Communities
This eye-opening resource highlights the many struggles and challenges faced by the population of Nunavut when it comes to proper nutrition and affordability of healthier foods.
Nunavut Food Guide
This Nunavut specific resource explains what traditional foods you should be eating that may help prevent chronic disease such as diabetes.
Physical Activity and Diabetes
This is a great resource for the people of Nunavut; that provides tips to get active and start living a healthier lifestyle.
Nutrition in Nunavut—A Framework for Action
The Framework for Action provides the rationale, goals and objectives to assist the Department of Health and Social Services (H&SS) in supporting Nunavummiut to achieve and maintain a level of niqittiavaknik nirinasuaqniq (healthy eating) that will promote optimal health and well-being.
Recreation & Parks Association of Nunavut
The Recreation and Parks Association of Nunavut (RPAN) is a not-for-profit organization established in 2012 and led by a volunteer Board of Directors. RPAN is committed to supporting the health and well-being of individuals, organizations, recreation professionals and community organizations in Nunavut. Recreation and Parks Association of Nunavut is funded through Sport and Recreation Nunavut, a division of the Government of Nunavut. Tel: (613) 876-0491.
Isaksimagit Inuusirmi Katujjiqatigiit – Embrace Life Council
The Isaksimagit Inuusirmi Katujjiqatigiit Embrace Life Council was established in January 2004 as a result of partnership efforts between the Government of Nunavut, Nunavut Tungavik Incorporated, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and many others. Efforts to create the council began in 2003 with the recognition that there needed to be a coordinated initiative in addressing the high suicide rates in Nunavut. Tel: (867) 975-3233, Toll-Free: 1-866-804-2782.
Tobacco, Smoking & Diabetes, Mental Health, Foot Care, Kidney Health, Healthy Heart
Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut Help Line
Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut Help Line provides anonymous and confidential telephone counselling and contact service for northerners who need to talk about personal problems or who are in crisis. It has proved to be a valuable service. Services are provided 7 nights a week, 7 pm to midnight. Tel: (867) 979-3333, Toll-Free: 1-800-265-3333.
Canadian Association of Wound Care
This organization provides a number of resources on foot care. Much of the information and resources are provided in Aboriginal languages. Tel: (416) 485-2292.
Circle of Hearts Family Support Network
The organization aims to provide emotional and educational support to those who are in need. It also provides networking for families whose children are affected by heart disease. The network works in Manitoba, Nunavut and Eastern Saskatchewan. Tel: (204) 231-0797.
Thinking of Quitting? This Guide Can Help!
This handbook will guide you through the first months of your quit. It will help you beat the craving, cope with side effects of quitting, and prepare you to stand tall and break free of this addiction once and for all. If you need to chat with someone to prepare yourself or just want a little bit of help, you can call this free and confidential service available in Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, English and French at 1-866-368-7848.
Smoking and Diabetes
Smoking causes many health problems and these problems can be even more serious for people with diabetes. This resource explains what complications smoking can cause for people with diabetes.
Value of Inuit Elders Storytelling to Health Promotion
This is a great report that provides information on changes as a result of climate change and the introduction of modern fast food. It contains Elders’ voices and perspectives that help promote the well-being of Aboriginal people through storytelling.