Indigenous Community of Practice
Canada's Tobacco Strategy
First Nations adults living on-reserve and in northern First Nations communities smoke daily or occasionally
Inuit adults are daily or occasional smokers.
Health Canada is concerned about the high rates of smoking within Aboriginal communities. It is working with First Nations and Inuit partners to take steps to reduce smoking and increase smoke-free environments to support healthy First Nations and Inuit individuals, families and communities.
The current Federal Tobacco Control Strategy includes $22 million (2012-2017) for a First Nations and Inuit Component. This component supports First Nations and Inuit communities in implementing evidence-based tobacco control strategies.
NADA coordinates a Community of Practice for the Project Coordinators of the FNI-FTCS.
NADA’s primary goal was to assist the FNI-FTCS recipients and their respective communities to achieve project objectives focused on four (4) key indicators and enhance co-learning and knowledge exchange.
The approach to comprehensive tobacco control is organized around four key intervention pillars of; leadership, health promotion, smoking cessation, and research and evaluation. Accordingly, the FNI-FTCS has adopted four related key success indicators, as follows:
- An increase in the percentage of smoke-free spaces in their communities
- An increase in the number and type of smoking-related resolutions and policies that are in place
- A decrease in the percentage of daily smokers in comparison to initial baselines
- The development of promising practices, both new and existing, that can be shared with other communities
The major objectives of the FNI-FTCS Community of Practice conference were to provide a host site that would augment learning and knowledge exchange opportunities. Plus, participants were encouraged to share relevant resources, promising practices/strategies around a continuum of tobacco control and prevention modules.

Related Information
Indigenous Community of Practice of Canada’s Tobacco Strategy: 2023 Face to Face Gathering Report
Indigenous Community of Practice of Canada’s Tobacco Strategy: 2021 Virtual Gathering Report
A Report On The Findings From The Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2019-2020)
First Nations and Inuit Community Of Practice Face to Face Gathering Report (2019-2020)
A Report On The Findings From The Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2018-2019)
A Report On The Findings From The Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2017-2018)
A Four Year Report On The Findings From The Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2014-2018)
FNI-FTCS Two Year Review 2014-2016
A Report On The Findings From The Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2016-2017)
A Three-Year Report On The Findings From The Annual Outcome Reporting Process (2014-17)
British Columbia
- First Nations Health Authority:
- Beaver First Nation:
- Siksika Health Services:
- Samson Community Wellness:
- Nunee Health Board Society:
- Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre:
- File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council:
- Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority:
- Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority: “New smoking prevention app launched to help northern youth”
- Chemawawin Cree Nation:
- Keewatin Tribal Council:
- Southeast Resource Development Council:
- Grand Council Treaty 3:
- Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services:
- Cree Board of Health and Social Services of the James Bay:
- First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC):
Atlantic Region
- Mawiw Council Inc., New Brunswick:
- Department of Health and Social Development, Nunatsiavut Government:
News (provided by Rob Cunningham):
- 2017-03-27: Sask increases tobacco taxes by $4.00 per carton; PST increases by 1%
In the Saskatchewan provincial budget delivered March 22, 2017, tobacco taxes increased by $4.00 per carton of 200 cigarettes, and $2.00 per 200 roll-your-own cigarettes (100g), effective at midnight following the budget. This is the first tobacco tax increase in Saskatchewan since 2013. The budget also increased the provincial sales tax from 5% to 6%. The result is an increase in sales tax of about $0.98 per 200 cigarettes and about $0.45 per 200 roll-your-own cigarettes (100g), effective at midnight following the budget.
Below is a CP news item. - 2017-03-27: CCHS 2015 detailed data now available again
The 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey results were released last week on Wed. March 22. While the detailed data was initially available during part of the morning on March 22, later in the day and on subsequent days last week it was not available. Data can now be retrieved at the following link:;jsessionid=7B9CC5E9AE9745B8775D3E702E69EBED?id=1050508&retrLang=eng&lang=eng - Government of Canada Introduces New Tobacco and Vaping Products Legislation: